Our Mission

To honor the Lord Jesus Christ by living out the great commission, which is to go and make disciples. (Matthew 28:19-20)

Online Giving Via Zelle

Help grow our ministry. Donate here. “…God loves a cheerful giver” – 2 Corinthians 9:7. You are blessed!

Completing Your Offering Using Zelle  

We have successfully added Zelle to our church business accounts. If you prefer giving electronically you can now give directly from your bank via Zelle to our church business Zelle account. The setup for every back may be different, but below is the information you need to add the church as a Zelle Recipient: 

  • Log into your online bank  
  • Select Pay and Transfer  
  • Click Zelle to send money 
  • Click add a recipient 
  • Click add as a business 
  • Business Email address: sthigpen@harvestcfc.org 
  • Business Name: Harvest Christian Fellowship Church  

Depending on the space provided, you may not be able to add all of the word church, but no worries, the full name will appear in your receipt. 

Harvest Christian FC